Search Results "author"


The followers of Yârsânism, also known as the Yârisân, Aliullâhi, Ali-llâhi (i.e., “those who deify Ali”), Alihaq, Ahl-i Haqq (“the…

Kurdish Currency

The Kurdish national currency KURO inherited its name from a common combined word in Kurdish language. KURO is combined of Kur -which…

Watery graves

Gaziantep, Turkey, The Economist, April 29th 2009 When Turkey’s Birecik dam begins filling up at the end of the month,…

Prehistory of Saladin

Vladimir Minorsky, Prehistory of Saladin Saladin’s Origins (A) The famous biographer Ibn Khallikân (A.D. 1211-82) made a special inquiry into the history of…